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Wednesday, 9 January 2008

02. Is your workplace a "No Moan Zone"?

In 2007 we created No Moan Zone© Posters. Many clients displayed these in their workplaces in such areas as tea rooms and cafeterias. One client who had done so, rang for more posters. The hard-core complainers had moved offsite to Starbucks for their caffeine and complaining fix. The Healthy Thinkers wanted to put up posters in such other coffee places.

Given that our research shows that on average 45% of the time people are influenced by other people’s negativity, No Moan Zones are effective ways of improving productivity and setting a Healthy Culture.

While there needs to be an effective process for feedback and change, standing around complaining over a cup of coffee can be addictive and time wasting.

Click on poster to see a bigger view

Yes please we would love to make at our work place a no moan zone
A2 posters only $15 each + p&p.