Welcome to the web based newsletter from the Healthy Thinking Institute, we hope that through this medium we are able to reach more of you with richer content and more Healthy Thinking®!

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

01. 2008 is going to be a strong year!

2008 is going to be a strong year!
Because we have decided it will be.

Economic commentators have recently predicted a recession and further problems with capital markets. Yet, as we say at the Healthy Thinking Institute, “It is not what happens to you but your Attitude to it that counts!”

Some may find it hard to be optimistic. It is easier to be pessimistic. We have adapted this way to protect ourselves from harm. However when things get tough, those with a Healthy Attitude do well.

Using our profiling system, early 2008 may see a rise in The Doom Merchant, Fortune Teller and The Justifier.

The Doom Merchant filters out what is pessimistic, looping it in the mind (like a software virus), replaying it and even sharing it with the rest of the team. This causes Anxiety and Stress and may lead to a loss of focus on the positives. The Fortune Teller will predict a tough 2008 and may suggest retrenchment. The Justifier, may be too cautious, not follow up on leads and slow down.

The Realist would say that things may be a bit tougher in 2008 but that creates an opportunity. Our competitors have the same economic climate and the same demands. It’s survive and prosper time for the fittest. It is an opportunity for us to shine.

Mental attitude, resilience and ability to program our software (mind) efficiently will have profound effects on performance and our physical health.

02. Is your workplace a "No Moan Zone"?

In 2007 we created No Moan Zone© Posters. Many clients displayed these in their workplaces in such areas as tea rooms and cafeterias. One client who had done so, rang for more posters. The hard-core complainers had moved offsite to Starbucks for their caffeine and complaining fix. The Healthy Thinkers wanted to put up posters in such other coffee places.

Given that our research shows that on average 45% of the time people are influenced by other people’s negativity, No Moan Zones are effective ways of improving productivity and setting a Healthy Culture.

While there needs to be an effective process for feedback and change, standing around complaining over a cup of coffee can be addictive and time wasting.

Click on poster to see a bigger view

Yes please we would love to make at our work place a no moan zone
A2 posters only $15 each + p&p.

03. Healthy Thinking® goes global.

On other fronts, as a result of an independent analysis of the Healthy Thinking® training program a group of Industrial Psychologists will be globally distributing a 2 day Healthy Thinking® program from 2008.

Even we were surprised when they reported 92% of people who were trained in Healthy Thinking® at work, had found Healthy Thinking® very effective or effective at home as well and no one in the research group had not found Healthy Thinking® training useful!

In the workplace studied, 75% of people had used Healthy Thinking® to create long term positive behavioural change and of these 100% thought the change would be permanent. We were even more happy as this independent evaluation was done a full year after the training was undertaken!

For further information on the 2 day Healthy Thinking® course contact Dr Paul Englert at OPRA Consulting www.opragroup.com .

04. Dr Tom appointed honorary lecturer

Dr Tom Mulholland has been appointed as an honorary lecturer in the Department of Psychological medicine at the University of Auckland, School of Medicine. He is looking to carry out further research into workplace productivity and Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI for short!) and to teach medical students Healthy Thinking® techniques!

Psychoneuroimmunology is the science of how the mind affects our body such as the physical effect of stress on our immune systems, heart and memory.

If you are interested in being part of a research project or want some Healthy Thinking® keynote speeches or half day workshops, contact Dr Tom Mulholland tom@healthythinking.biz

For No Moan Zone© posters, books and profiling cards email orders@healthythinking.biz or to find your attitude profile visit www.healthythinking.biz

Wishing you a productive and Healthy Thinking® 2008.

The Healthy Thinking Institute