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Wednesday, 9 January 2008

01. 2008 is going to be a strong year!

2008 is going to be a strong year!
Because we have decided it will be.

Economic commentators have recently predicted a recession and further problems with capital markets. Yet, as we say at the Healthy Thinking Institute, “It is not what happens to you but your Attitude to it that counts!”

Some may find it hard to be optimistic. It is easier to be pessimistic. We have adapted this way to protect ourselves from harm. However when things get tough, those with a Healthy Attitude do well.

Using our profiling system, early 2008 may see a rise in The Doom Merchant, Fortune Teller and The Justifier.

The Doom Merchant filters out what is pessimistic, looping it in the mind (like a software virus), replaying it and even sharing it with the rest of the team. This causes Anxiety and Stress and may lead to a loss of focus on the positives. The Fortune Teller will predict a tough 2008 and may suggest retrenchment. The Justifier, may be too cautious, not follow up on leads and slow down.

The Realist would say that things may be a bit tougher in 2008 but that creates an opportunity. Our competitors have the same economic climate and the same demands. It’s survive and prosper time for the fittest. It is an opportunity for us to shine.

Mental attitude, resilience and ability to program our software (mind) efficiently will have profound effects on performance and our physical health.